栏目:公司动态 发布时间:2024-06-10
更多网络例句与线性优化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In our study, Natural Capacity Impact Matrix is combined with air quality model directly, and economic factor is brought into RAEC model.


In order to meet the discharge norm of the contamination concentration limit, zone generalized predictive control is adopted which transforms the conventional quadratic objective of the MPC into a linear programming with soft constraints; besides, considering the wastewater treatment plants energy-saving targets, a multi-objective predictive control is formulated and finally hierarchical multi-objective optimization algorithm is applied for on-line optimization solution.


We will cover the basics of linear optimization, including formulations, key concepts, and graphical solution methods.


In this thesis, we mainly study the theory of vector optimization in three aspects: the spectral scalarization of Euclidean Jordan algebra vector optimization, the robust methods for solving uncertain multiobjective linear optimization problem and the application in game theory.


In Chapter 3, we consider the uncertain multiobjective linear optimization problem.


In this paper we present a local self-concordant barrier function based on a kernel function in the neighborhood of the central path of linear optimization problem.


Imitating human intelligence, a new algorithm based on heuristic sequential linear optimization for one-dimensional cutting-stock problem is presented.


With the support of GIS , the minimal spanning tree theory of graph theory and 120 project theory can be applied to irrigation pipelines layout optimization .


And through the discussion of their localizations, a method is put forward to improve the optimal value of the objective function further by adjusting the LP's technique coefficients but not changing the optimal solution's structure, and the model is endowed with the inherent meanings of management innovation as well.


The existence condition of first and second boundary variation was given with boundary variation method. The numerical method was obtained.


更多网络解释与线性优化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

burst mode:脉冲模式

为了降低待机功耗,满足更高的绿色环保标准,芯片提供了脉冲模式(Burst Mode)功能、极低的启动电流和工作电流. 脉冲模式即在轻载或者无负载情况下,XN1042可以线性地降低芯片的开关频率,因此减少开关的损耗;同时通过优化设计,

Smart Card reader:智 能 卡 阅 读 器

除拥有CUSL2-C的所有性能和功能外(如216MHZ SFS线性外频,IPANEL等),CUSL2-C BP还拥有多个独有的特征,如支持智能卡阅读器(Smart Card Reader)功能;经过特别优化的友好BIOS界面,配合随主板附赠的快速安装指南,使电脑的安装成为一件更加简单轻松的事情;

linear optimization:线性优化,线性最优化

linear optimal system 线性最佳系统 | linear optimization 线性优化,线性最优化 | linear orbital angular momentum 直线型杂化轨函数

linear optimization:线性优化

linear optimal control system | 线性最优控制系统 | linear optimization | 线性优化 | linear order | 线性序,全序

linear optimization control:线性最优控制

控制网优化设计:control network optimization | 线性最优控制:linear optimization control | 线性二次最优控制:linear quadratic optimization control

Multi-sequential Linear Optimization:多级序列线性优化

线性反馈控制:linear feedback control | 多级序列线性优化:Multi-sequential Linear Optimization | 随机优化控制:stochastic optimization control




决策变量、约束条件、目标函数是线性规划的三要素.线性规划问题的数学模型的一般形式 (1)列出约束条件及目标函数2、目标函数是决策变量的线性函数,根据具体问题可以是最大化(max)或最小化(min),二者统称为最优化(opt).

linear quadratic optimization control:线性二次最优控制

优化消摆:optimal control | 线性二次最优控制:linear quadratic optimization control | 速率优化控制:rated optimal control

quadratic programming:二次优化

线性二次型:linear quadratic | 二次优化:quadratic programming | 二次稳定性:quadratic stability
